
  • Designate leadership positions (at minimum: President, Vice President, Treasurer)
  • No less than 7 club members
  • Establish a faculty/staff club advisor

Formal Steps to Create Your New Club:

1. Complete the New Club Registration form on the SGA SaintsLife page.

2. The group will present their club proposal to SGA at an upcoming General Senate meeting where the senate will vote to pass or deny the club.

Club Travel

All club travel outside a 50-mile radius must be approved prior to the trip by the club advisor.

All clubs have the capability and opportunity to travel throughout the state and nationally as deemed appropriate by the club advisor. Money from the club account may be used either from budgeted or fundraised revenue. If wanting to take a p-card with, please check out through the Student Activities Office.

Unbudgeted Requests

Covering extra/unplanned events or activities outside of your clubs previously allocated budget can be requested through SGA via an unbudgeted request. All requests must be processed prior to date of purchase as reimbursement is not allowed. Specific information can be found in the Financial Handbook.

*All clubs at St. Scholastica must be open to any interested fee-paying student. Clubs must be bi-partisan and cannot be affiliated with outside organizations unless specifically approved by the Director of Student Activities and the Dean of Students. All new clubs must have a unique mission statement distinctive of any existing club that aligns with the Benedictine Values and the Mission of the College. Groups must meet regularly and actively recruit students to join.