Price Check & Be Realistic

  • Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. are great resources to check for the lowest price of costs and largest value pack sizes available
  • Think through the event and each material you will need to complete it.
    Ex: Plant Potting - plants, pots, dirt, containers for dirt, small cups or shovels for dirt, tarps underneath and on tables, etc.
  • Cost of everything is higher right now - if you are planning for a group larger than 10-15 people it'll likely be > $150.

Track Purchases As You Go

  • Google Sheets or Excel is a great way to track all purchases down to the cents. Don't forget about online purchases and tipping.
  • If able, having 1 person be in charge of purchasing/receipts will make it easier to not miss any charges

Don't Be Afraid to Spend Money

  • Clubs are funded through the a fee all full-time students pay each semester. The money allocated to you is meant to be used this semester on the students who paid it. Saving is, of course, important and students are charged the fee with the expectation they'll reap those benefits while attending CSS.

Leave Wiggle Room

  • Often plans change, prices, changes or you realize you forgot something. Leave some wiggle room incase you need to buy more of something. If you cannot afford it, check with Student Activities if they already have it or alternative options.

Budgeted vs Unbudgeted Costs

Budgeted costs are items accounted for during the previous semester's budget request. At the time of the request, the details of the event are unknown so it always an estimate of what you will need based off of similar previous events or the allocation table.

For example:

$150 for Book Exchange Event:
It is now up to you and your group to decide how to use that money as you see fit. It is also a previously planned event so it would not qualify for an unbudgeted request. If the event was popular and you'd like to do it again then you can submit an unbudgeted request for that new event.

Be Aware of Financial Restrictions

SGA's Financial Handbook has specifically outlined what they will and will not fund whether it be requested through bi-annual budget requests or unbudgeted requests. Travel costs including transportation, rental cars, gas, and meals per day are standardized and laid out in the Allocation Table. Certain items such as T-shirts and clothing also have established policies.

Fundraised money is not subject to those same restrictions and is often how clubs are able to travel outside a 50-mile radius for events, activities, or competitions.