Travel with ABE this year to Chicago, West Virginia or Guatemala!

About Us

Alternative Break Experience (ABE) is a program offered through VITA/Campus Ministry to provide opportunities for students to participate in service learning trips focusing on social justice issues. These are not religious-based experiences but rather social justice and service-oriented. We educate all of our students on the Catholic Social Teachings and provide first-hand, in person experiences to reflect. We have sent groups to locations both in the U.S. and internationally to provide community and solidarity to our welcoming organizations.

An Experience Like No Other

Our trips are not vacation and relaxation - but merely the opposite. We are providing students experiences in stimulating environments where they are exposed to social justice conflicts. We want them to examine themselves and the environments around (intellectual and moral prep) to see how they can grow. We want to promote responsible living (CSTs, rights and responsibilities, values = stewardship and solidarity) and open eyes to meaningful work - how can these students continue to work in their chosen careers but also do something that is purposeful and intentional.

Our Team

Allison Rice Profile

Allison Rice

Sammi Good Nelson Profile

Sammi Good Nelson

Jessica Ellingson Profile

Jessica Ellingson
